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The person's emotion of having the monster is all gray, a month ago, they still the situation was greatly good, captured the half personal world, glorious of was waiting for them in the future, often still imagine a future historical records would ever praised them, but a month later, today, everythings very likely suffered to die to all become thus hard to anticipate and regardless stayed, or return to.
Compare the monster person who falls low since the emotion, those high class of mankind's the rebels, the emotion in the look in the eyes deep place much more abundant.
They probably for the sake of the glory and probably have no alternative,fake oakleys, regardless what purpose, but their identities are all similar, betrayed mankind, became a monster person a member of the invader inside, but the monster person's general situation has been already gone now, in the future wait for theirs, will be how pathetic kind of destiny?This inside of part of person doesn't lack an intelligent person, for example, light sea court, a lately should have already slowly formed in his brain to the plan.
After the decoration of military transfer completes, Yi Ba fully receives to encourage in person some kind of, let after the morale falling low has a rally, this urgent meeting comes to an end for the time being.
Is second to pull especially a gram of silent follow with eyes these people to leave, secretly sighed tone, next time summit conference, these high classes will get now, doing not know as well to still have several people can be present.
Connect down, would be the core personnel's meeting of belonging to monster person's imperial house.
Yi Ba fully receives to no longer cover up ego, his look in the eyes at the moment Xiao Suo many, quiet way:"I of an important cooperation colleague-east emperor sky, have already confirmed to die, and as early as threeses are many before the month.Period letter has already confirmed falsification, I because be misled by these letters, just to judgment mistake, turn into today everywhere passive situation ……"
He ignores for it changes countenance of public, light way:"Is wrong have been already cast into, I from will examine!As for national territory inside how resist the affair that the Wu works properly, have been already decided.But national territory concerning mankind, I haven't decided!Is a war is with?War how maintains?And, how fight for the biggest benefits?You, all said for me!"
Member of core not enough 10 people, but whole processes that are attacking and occupying mankind's national territory in, signed to once descend the persons of the military merit of He He.
The their relationship with the monster person emperor gentleman is opposite compare closer, talk without several cents be afraid of, speak in succession at this time, go up to see from the strategy and go up to see from the military tactics, go up to see from the humanities and go up to see from the helping of the spirit and the manikin, all aspects, say clear and convincing presentation, the Mo floats in the sky, not difficult what to anticipate BE, the most people are all oppose continuing a war again, but also objection will swallow of fat meat again vomit.
Compare a radical, just a little rational kind of parlance BE, will freely and heaven return to the mankind, exchange peace, reserve absolute being empire dragon, this rich colony can have an explaination to the domestic, in the future can also bring astonishing income for empire, become a piece of and important gangplank of the war in future ……
Listen various opinions, Yi Ba fully receives but closes the eyes for a rest, a speech not hair, even the eyebrow also has no Yang for a while, he from won public support a person to quarrel noisily very a burst of, don't also open eyes, just sink a track:"younger brother Huang and second pull a gram of love Qing especially, how didn't you say as well?"
Yi space and second pull especially gram to hoped one eye, a little bit tiny for a while head, speech way:"his majesty, please allow minister to relate first a small segment story.H'm, minister and the mankind's leader blue snow cloud, once met in the nebula mountain range ……"
Hear blue snow cloud, this name, Yi Ba fully received that thick short eyelash Zhan Zhan, tiny open a pair of eyes, cold way:"hum, strong breeze blue snow cloud!Is this person I once saw as well in five year agos, that is in the Dian of nebula, really is the person of a life time not, the his hand holds any soldier at that time and unexpectedly also have no to fear to a color of pour towards holding, Yi however not with me.I am just thinking, this person sooner or later is a root of all evil, wanted to kill him at that time and had never thought a quilt second pulled especially a gram of general to block next.The judgment that proved me in fact, at present the achievement of blue snow cloud returns particularly at I of estimate on ……alas!Calculate, younger brother Huang, you immediately after say."
The meeting public vision cans not help staring at in succession to second pull a gram especially, blames the terrible mistake that he commits on that day with the look in the eyes, but second pull a gram of complexion especially calm, imitate a Buddha felling not to arrive public malicious vision, just calm down to looking at a Yi space.
Yi space then will on that day how with the Lun meet of after saying a time of, the point is to mention that blood stain in silver gray, he says:"…… originally could not also lend this to confirm that he is a Wu to work properly devil, but combine current situation and mankind a plait be like presentable folk song of mold, east the death in emperor sky and Wu work properly of unified, the Wu work properly of invade, we have much of reason to judge, blue snow cloud is undoubtedly really a Wu to work properly, and is exactly still likely to be he incited Wu to work properly war, we can not give attention to both, caught unprepared ……"
Is second to pull a gram of air transformation especially, wrinkly tight eyebrows, but what don't also say.
Yi Ba fully receives to endorse of ordered to nod, still don't open eyes, light way:"very good, Yi space!That how can we make use of this?"
Infected by in the voice of Yi space the fanaticism and infuriation just a little raise a volume way for several cents:"his majesty, we can plan a scheme, minister wish in person performance, certainly perfect work, let the blood of blue snow cloud expose in front of people of this world, let him career and reputation are both ruined, living not equal to dead, can be cut into pieces by we ……"
Yi Ba fully receives light interrupt a way:"play chess the help of power BE?"
The voice of the Yi space inside immediately little some fanaticism, answer a way:"mankind's allied troops the natural morale of troops Huan spread, the fighting strength is significant to descend, we can fight for till precious time and wait for an opportunity ……"
The monster person emperor gentleman Yi space didn't can keep on saying words, already heavily on striking a meeting table, that marble table immediately bombs however pours, public for of the color change.
Yi Ba fully receives furious, the double eyes circle stares and mercilessly stares at a Yi space and suddenly and violently drinks a way:"rascal!The national crisis is current, do you unexpectedly return a to wish personal grudge?If just take out to adjust to walk half troops, press you say, probably have some use, but do like this at present, can attain a purpose, be report the old grudge that you are disfigured in the red rain mountain range!"
"Blue snow cloud probably can influence the mankind's morale, his real identity probably can the behavior world bring a turbulence, but in no case will influence the decision that the mankind recover national territory.Resist mankind over 1,000,000 allied troops with our current troopses plus the dark night person's army corpses, even if their morale falls low a point, also the same ability becomes our Nian fragment!You this was rascal to be different from fatuity to this, still kept being hoodwinked your eyes by the old grudge, even which lightly and which weigh to all can not distinguish?"
Being great anger is medium of Yi Ba fully receive flame of anger to hurtle a sky, his voice be like a surprised thunder, bomb on everybody's head, that vehemence is like substantial, turns to make icy cold cold current of air, pound at everywhere, these hands hold a square the tycoons of soldier's right, if a Ca cold cicada, the Yi space of first hit more just hangs a head, an all don't dare to utter.
Yi Ba fully receives thick breathe heavily several tones, cut up rough just just a little suppress, cold way:"if not that reading are me at you of younger brother, I one Zhang split you!"
He, immediately after way:"original I want to leave you at nearby, but see now to have no this necessity!You take to ascend me of the second close Wei regiment, immediately return to country, lead this Wu to work properly war well!Before the Wu works properly war be over, I don't want to see you again!Roll!"
"BE, his majesty!The his majesty takes good care of!"The Yi space shoulder Zhan Zhan, the voice also becomes few to sob and stumbles to keep on backing.
Yi Ba's fully receiving the slightest doesn't sway and change direction second pull a gram especially, say:"say your views, say to order the solid, falsely of I have already enough listen to!"
Was second to pull a gram to hope one especially eye Yi the space leave of figure, equanimity way:"his majesty, my suggestion, perhaps make everyone hard to accept.Before the minister speaks this suggestion, also invite his majesty to forgive minister not guilty!"
"Honest not guilty, you but say no harm!"
"The minister suggests that the whole army withdraws mankind's national territory, returns windstorm fortress and rebuilds peaceful treaty!"Is second to pull a gram of words to finish especially, stand to start, toward Yi Ba to fully receive the Gong body is deeply.
Stare in the monster person emperor gentleman under, have no second pull a gram of unexpected happening especially, various unpleasant to hearly blame to immediately arrive in close succession on all sides.
Yi Ba fully receives a chest to hurriedly rise and fall son several bottoms, Related articles:

