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The insides are all very clear.But the four greatest emperor's clans of original integral whole unexpectedly having one person don't is emperor's clan, and the explanation of red emperor, so annoy an emperor excessively to the emperor's person of breeze then should be a real breeze emperor don't belong to, the breeze emperor does like this of the reason then became a riddle regiment.
Drive the red emperor absorbed a great deal of breeze emperor of strength already unbearable live the strength in the body of hard-pressed, give or get an electric shock the emperor's beginning as its importation strength, then harsh voice inquiry, breeze emperor at blurred in vomit the word of a "emperor" after let go of but go to, the body bombs however collapses and gradually becomes dust.
The red emperor says with smile:"Good elephant I absorbed intemperately, had never thoughted him don't is a clan middleman of emperor, accept to can not stand my cell strength on the physical stature, elephant water the emperor is much better ……"
The water emperor mercilessly stared red emperor one eye, but had no dint to say again what, give or get an electric shock emperor and fire emperor station start, 2 people full stomach worry, the but again hard put solution.
The stone is concealed to suddenly say:"Look, remarkable talent empire the imperial house be manipulated is already fact."
Once the red emperor look in the eyes turn and say:"Originally, you early know this kind of affair and see to you come over, it is already to since then have also."
The fire emperor leads off a surprised way:"What?-Remarkable talent empire the imperial house be manipulated ……"
If the stone is concealed don't realize a fire emperor and toward a red emperor to say with smile:"Do you think that I will so easily promise to help you?The nature is to have already since then had, however I didn't thought of to really appear this circumstance and looked like this, breeze emperor's one vein early manipulates remarkable talent empire imperial house, but another of three veins the imperial house have been kepting in the dark."
Give or get an electric shock once emperor's complexion change and grind teeth a way:"The stone is concealed, do you how can know these?"
Stone concealed sneer way:"Compare with you the be provided for other emperor's clan to order about of decline emperor's clan but speech, the power and the intelligence report within my hand is the network what you can imagine."
The red emperor says:"The useless talk doesn't want to say, you 2 is a darling to come over to make me absorb strength, still want to fight with me again a ?"
Give or get an electric shock emperor's Adam apple don't aware of self of moved to move, toward a stone concealed ask a way:"The stone is concealed, you not the ability can be absorbed by red emperor like this our strength, otherwise, he will bring threat to you!"
The stone is concealed to say with smile:"This sentence says quite rightly, however, I and the red emperor has already reached agreement,beats by dre australia."
The red emperor smiled to smile, as hoping food stare at 2 people, give or get an electric shock an emperor to grind teeth a way:"No matter the red emperor gave you what, I want to yours, absolutely is what you need, but you have to put us to walk."
The stone concealed corner of mouth put on to lightly smile an idea and said:"You know, your life to me but very important of, think and then put you to walk like this, the price needed isn't general."
Give or get an electric shock an emperor clean neatly say:"Thousand catties of defense turn constructs diagram."
The red emperor hears, not from say:"Mao, this pouring is really an attractive thing."
The stone is concealed could not anticipate to give or get an electric shock an emperor as well will own this, say:"Like this say to come, were you to own this thing?"
Give or get an electric shock an emperor to say:"Our 4 people comes to piano island area of time once received the life of heavy emperor's his majesty to go to a jade Yuan area, thousand catties of for the sake of demonstration troops of strong, let us once see the structure diagram of the whole defense turn."
Next chapter:《Red emperor meeting 1000 catties 》 of chapter 286

Chapter 286 red emperor meeting 1000 catty

The breeze emperor's surprised revelation makes stone concealed and has a new plan, but for electricity emperor in the jade Yuan spoken area defense structure diagram, is also the thing being concealed to extremely want stone, this thing, the stage in now is really a counter of negotiation.
Looking at a stone concealed have some facial expression of surprise, electricity emperor again will don't know how the concealed in the mind of stone think, he says:"This map in my brain, I can come out its structure to hand over to you."
The stone is concealed to shake head a way:"The structure comes out, I how know is really a leave?To think with the only condition that I negotiate would be-"voice 1:"I come to take in person!"
The fire emperor cannots help but a surprised, hope to go toward the emperor of electricity, the giving or getting an electric shock the emperor's complexion also says with smile for of a changing, red emperor not from:"This pouring is a good idea."The brain is the most decisive part for mankind forever,beats by dre, regardless is for the common run of people still an absolute being come all similar, so-called oneself comes to take to would be to want to give or get an electric shock an emperor memory piece in the brain take, remembering the mold piece is to can not change with the manpower, only have delete or conceal, but have no own brain to hidden revelation to the opponent, and this is the completely fatal behavior.However, from a different angle come to speak, with stone concealed ability, greatly need not do behavior of sneak attack, because from just of strength compare Dou to see, the stone is concealed completely can fight down 2 people, give or get an electric shock what emperor hesitated undoubtedly only have 1:00, would be the other party to own of the behavior is the indignity that is a kind of to emperor's clans, just, fight to the death not terrible, afraid of is taking doubt to die, the true or false breeze emperor's riddle and stone concealed words said all let oneself's in the mind produce an extreme doubt, the four greatest emperor's clans seem to be already to sink into a scheme of fearfulness, but this scheme of back is unexpectedly oneself to acquaint with of person.
Give or get an electric shock an emperor to finally and deeply take a suck at spirit, the vehemence completely let go of a way:"Come."
Fire emperor's 1:"Give or get an electric shock an emperor ……"
The stone concealed slowly and longly says:"Give or get an electric shock an emperor, you once saw structure diagram, so the fire emperor shoulded once see as well?"
On staring, the fire emperor's eye's electricity emperor is of one Leng after, wry smile way:"The stone is concealed you are indeed as expected severe ……" turns a head to say toward the emperor of fire:"Come, need not hesitated, in this case, think whole body but back and then only have a method like this."
The red emperor embraces arm cold see at present situation, there is no facial expression, the fire emperor finally ordered to nod after deeply absorbing an one breath and stared a concealed way of stone:"Come."
The stone is concealed to hum to smile a ,beats by dre solo, once the hands lift, ten point one exhibition, ten jet of gas strength from the defense the net through, came in contact with 2 people skull China Times, deeply brain but go into, absorbing 2 people has already suddenly come out of that, in the absorption and after checking, the stone is concealed to make sure that 2 people's memory is same, this just hand a loose, 2 people as well Panasonic one breath come.
Give or get an electric shock an emperor to say:"Now let's can walk?"
The stone is concealed don't answer, but activity up have already explained everything, after withdrawing to defendoof a net, give or get an electric shock 3 emperors to quickly leave, disappear at Gao empty in.
Wait until 3 people to disappear, red emperor this just says:"Compare to anticipate of, I am without the energy source of two big pieces ……"
The stone is concealed to lightly say:"In my memory, the piano island area abounds in a seafood article, among them similar would be can promote amount of manpower of'sea soul crystallize', the common run of people takes of then can promote capability for several decades, but the main star of piano island area up have the treasure of area in the town'thousand year, sea soul crystallize', the effect is more obvious."
The red emperor says with smile:"The stone is concealed you indeed as expected not the Kui is a saint Wu Huang Zun, on making moves to would be generously, can with the treasure of area in the town change these 2 people's strength to pour also not bad, problem BE, you put back like this they, can have confidence them will definitely follow your viewpoint to walk?"
Stone the concealed hands say after aring negative:"When the human face could not escape a few circumstances towards betraying, usually the affairs done all, besides, is the betrayal of the most noble emperor's clan, I think, before they arrive the remarkable talent empire emperor's city, you had better open the indentation of the area of jade Yuan."
The red emperor nods a way:"This pours quite good, have them to cause disturbance, my activity pours really easily many."
The stone is concealed to also say:"My activity, seem will also easily many.However, I pour very strange, your self-confidence, 1000 catty but want to place your person at the hopeless situation."
Red emperor Hao however say with smile:"If he can really place me to have no at the hopeless situation, to you of loss ……"
The stone is concealed to sneer at for a while, had no to talk again.
Was this rightness of to once is an opposite strong red eyes enemy, at present but hold hands total enter to back, to common of power and speech to say, is a fantastic affair, because they can not understand the heart that is martial, also positive because is all Wu Zhe, the stone is in no case concealed to just fear red betrayal of emperor!Own a hesitate and the heart of betrayal of person Related articles:

