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Some simple fortifications .No other solution, according to this scheme to combat .We have here four combat regiment ,who to do the vanguard ,seize the eagle mine hand ?As the army for the time ,cnn.
,google, relationresultBlood killcoldly , I go . , relationresultPeoplewithout objection .relationresultBlood killLegion twelve thousand NPC men and game player for the pioneer ,the first in the eagle hand mining area of deployment, for temporarily blocking Shanrong army .
relationresultSubsequently,the remaining three legions in the North springs arranged close defense ,as far as possible to eliminate Shanrong army .North Springs places are open ,suitable for large-scale combat .
relationresultThe next morning,four army troops and all fifty thousand NPC game player game player ,turn towards the north ,to the front .Logistic Corps ,then everfount escort grain to the front .
Because all of the game player is obliged to tribal tribal water over weeks to serve in the military, not the pay can take .relationresultNot only thewater tribe began to mobilize troops ,flat rigid ,follows two Yan territory NPC and game player tribe also in the mobilization of the army, resistance Shanrong army invasion .
Even Yan country also in preparation for thistle ,Chui City million side defeat ,the monarch may even personally led his army to meet the Shan rong .relationresultThe army outlater, Qin Xiaobai the Logistic Corps director but relaxed .
He put the food on the main long-distance escort mission over to the sword of heaven ,as wolf army ,the snow goblin ,he mainly remained in the week ,ordnance ,Shuicheng deployment of food medicines and other materials .
relationresultThe Whitearmy during the week of Shuicheng walled influence has expanded rapidly ,attracting joined master game player is also increasing ,this had increased to nearly 90 name game player ,their camp all transferred to the water south of ten mile white camp around, a large white army forces area .
( white legion ,Logistic Corps ,including small white ,his sword and army ,wolf army ,the four army Xueyao army .The White army is one of the White army .) , relationresultWeek ofwater surrounding the game player tribal production order remained stable ,and not because of the war and the slightest panic tension .
In common parlance, game player who still have the confidence to conquer Shanrong seventy thousand army .Although this time they only sent about fifty thousand troops on the front lines, Bishanrong less than twenty thousand troops .
But the game player who each tribe only has 5 soldier died ,before there are a large number of NPC forces ,ready to battle .relationresultQin Xiaobailogistics headquarters in easy to enjoy leisure time ,from the white sheep camp brought good news and bad news .
relationresultThe bad news is that,NPC coppersmiths try to tin ,pure tin smelting out ,but failed .This proved coppersmiths from copper smelting tin smelting technology to master .The good news is ,1 coin unit tin price is clearly very attractive, soon the game player to find many tin ,can continue to make coppersmiths attempt .
relationresultThisallows him to hearten .relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age 128 high tin smelting cost study , relationresultUpdate: 2009-1-2221:01:29 chapter number :3170 , relationresultDecember 24th morning,game player four main combat regiment immediately week Shuicheng walled in Northridge ,North Springs ,the eagle mine two starting hands .
As for the specific operational deployment, defeat or victory ,it is a front-line combat regiment thing ,Qin Xiaobai does not need to charge the spirit to consider .Logistic Corps the transport supply ,manufacturing equipment ,procurement of Hongyao tasks such as order, all on the right track .
relationresultQin Xiaobai put theLogistic Corps all tasks are assigned to the appropriate people to do, they basically not involved in specific tasks ,responsible only for send grain sent money ,almost became a ball dispensers .
relationresultThe development of a persontime ,the need to rely on their efforts to fight, this time must redouble our efforts ,because no one will give you a grain of grain a .But Logistic Corps operation ,need is effective division of labor and cooperation ,rather than his army how diligent .
He had almost all the tasks assigned to go out ,he only want to do is to send money ,Facebook.To this ,the whole Logistic Corps operation was under his control .relationresultFrom the whitesheep camp brings the two message ,tin failed ,but found ore game player who sent many tin ,can continue to test .
The news that Qin Xiaobai was exciting .relationresultHisdirect and sheep to horses gallop to the south of the ten miles of white camp ,to see the progress of smelting tin .relationresultAt thecamp ,and the other day is different .
Field a large miles of farmland ,almost all are small white game player land ,everywhere can see farmer ,NPC NPC Shanrong slaves farmed in the field .In addition to some Ge halberd men in field patrol ,supervise the slaves toiled .
relationresultThere isa village form of game player ,from single tribe gradually evolved into a village .The intermediate is a village ,is surrounded by farmland .relationresultNow a smallwhite game player ,most of them are at least several mu mu land even small peasants ,as well as the production of various types of products the main workshop ,slave owners .
The Qin Xiaobai master most fortune ,as many as three hundred acres of farmland ,dozens of Shan Rong slave ,holds the largest water village week dozens of smelting workshop .relationresultCoppermill industry is profiteering .
Is currently the only game with heavy industry nature of the industry ,on any one power development is very important .The game player ,a lot of rich force gangster game player are clear ,also want to join this industry .
relationresultButno matter how the mind into copper or copper ,or are taking action to participate .But they saw Qin Xiaobai put the ring chamber of Commerce kind without direct pressure on the mind ,game player can greatly reduce .
relationresultAnd asQin Xiaobai accidentally fell in Logistic Corps army Sima signed ,now the City Walled each game player ,Regal powers bigwigs ,has been thoroughly discouraged the idea .
Not dare to continue to compete for dominance in Qin Xiaobai copper .After all, Logistic Corps can mobilize the wealth is really amazing ,a flow of hundreds of thousands of pieces of copper ,enough to put any opponent attempts to challenge Qin Xiaobai copper dominance to game player alive to crush .
relationresultSowhether the god-king ,mountain ,or winner is king ,rogue is not a crime ,gray glass ,small rain ,these two days are very low .They only produce a small piece of bronze is sold in the market ,to recover the investment cost .
Try to avoid the show and Qin Xiaobai chambers ,sheep for bronze market intense intention .relationresultTheirsix production of bronze ,only accounts for the market lack of total 15 bronze .
Qin Xiaobai is a production of bronze ,representing a total of 85 ,basically a monopoly .Bronze unified price alliance still exists ,but from eight, reduced to seven .relationresultLet theweek of Shuicheng all Regal and forces chiefs of relief, Qin Xiaobai appetite to stay in the copper industry .
Do not continue to expand .Like wine ,bow ,textiles ,pottery ,animal husbandry ,fishery ,leather ,and so many more deposits also exist high profit industry .Qin Xiaobai did not participate in .
This gives them enough space to develop power ,and need not be in the way of copper and Qin Xiaobai this strong opponents fight to the death .Under the ground ,horses ,quickly came to the camp in smelting workshop area .
Most of the NPC people are copper ,bronze casting bronze brazier ,few are in a small pile of yellow tin ore ,dumb in the customary time .They saw the chiefs came, he bowed .relationresultQinwhite nod, towards the idea : tin smelting process how ? , relationresultDumbstill seem to think ,glazed expressions shook his head .
For once, but this stone is yellow ,but not out of bronze smelting .As for tin ,do not know what it is . , relationresultQin Xiaobaipats the head ,and had never seen tin tin is what NPC said . Related articles:

