
Facebook her duty ah let

Thing ,I don blood kill so useless .I see him do things smooth and clean ,not for myself in that position .The news is probably fake . , relationresultIt is the messenger sent over to the military ,administrative home .
Also have a holiday? , relationresultThe snowgoblin eyes at him .Whisper in Qin Xiaobai is very nosy said: the white boss, the thing is ,blood kill suffered a defeat ,losing Eagle hand area, listen to a person to death thousands of troops ,almost the whole army was wiped out.
!It has sparked outrage ,Mancheng to game player said to show how he arrives ! , relationresultWhat ,blood kill had defeated the war? , relationresultQin Xiaobai was startled.He didn he is so great gossip .
relationresultHe is verygood road , what major gossip ? , relationresultSnowFairy arms chest, proudly said: of course, blood kill this failure, he finished ,I said who will take over his army Sima job ?Maybe ,he will choose one from our Logistic Corps to take over Sima .
If that is the case .I must have a 33 chance of snow goblin when the army of Sima .Tens of thousands of army commander .At that time, I will be on an equal footing with the white boss .
, relationresultHis sword andasked for her and rolled ,said: to think is quite beautiful ,if you when the army Sima ,even as Sima .You have the whole army was wiped out. Blood kill ,if you ran to meet his class ,you have how many soldiers to fight ? , relationresultThe snowgoblin is not thought of this layer ,was stupefied, brutal : to you tube !Anyway, the army of Sima .
Than Sima Da . , relationresultQin Xiaobailistened to their bickering, hey smiled .relationresultHeartvery surprised ,he and blood kill also had some contact ,as he observes ,blood kill cautious firm .
Hit hard .Even if the win ,see the wrong time to escape .How could they eat the whole army was wiped out. Defeat war ?If one had defeated the battle ,he may believe that a bit more .
relationresultBesides,the front suffered a defeat ,but also the more low-key low-key ,avoid shake the upper and lower morale .But how can such a short period of time will pass the cause uproar ,the rumor four ?There are some strange .
relationresultQin Xiaobai put thesword of heaven and snow bedazzle the food job ,give them the new task of transport equipment .relationresultAfter a while,a NPC waiter running logistics headquarters to inform Qin Xiaobai ,big chief called procedure ,discuss blood kill Legion .
Qin Xiaobai startled ,know the truth of the event ,to drop things ,immediately followed the waiter to administrative institute .relationresultBlood killlegions retreated to the north after active springs ,and the winner is king of army stationed in North springs open in the middle position ,pitch camp .
relationresultAmessenger from one Legion camp set out, the blood kill Legion ,the lost Eagle hand mining sector news began to spread .The surprising news is more than to the peripheral water village, also reached the boisterous Legion legion ,king ,blood kill legion ,even the most in front of thousands of miles of legion .
Almost all know the army .relationresultAgame player panic into the blood to kill the main account ,shouting : boss, the bad event ! , relationresultBlood killand several lines of Sima is the main account within the game player ,see the intruder ,cold voice: what nervous ?We have to North Springs ,the heavens also has other top .
, relationresultGame playerbitter : boss, be sent around to spread a rumor ,said that the boss you fear the enemy to avoid battle ,AWOL ,cnn,run away when going into battle ,half a day lost Eagle hand mining area ,serious damage to my military first nick Shanrong force deployment .
He has sent a messenger ,Bulletin Weekly water big chief to request you Jun Sima ,leather duty ah ,let God take you ,boss !Now the whole army are talking about this matter . , relationresultBlood killsuddenly startled stood up ,and a cold heart .
He never imagined ,boisterous was so dirty ,use the command authority ,put him to death .The rumor spread out, the light is enough to drown him slobber .A run away when going into battle can make all the game player despised him .
He later blood kill how this week in water based ?relationresultThe rest of theseveral lines of Sima also be frightened and change color .Eagle hand mining area the battle ,they are very clear ,blood kill command is absolutely no problem .
Because of the lack of adequate supply ,have to retreat .Because of this and put on the run away when going into battle against the counts ,have gone too far .This not only denied blood kill credit, also denied the blood kill Legion the line than Sima .
relationresultThishand is enough !relationresultBlood killthe victim ,so angrily: he dare harm me ,tell him what kind of ,I cut off his ! He grabbed the sword ,then going out .relationresultDon ,don impulse ! , relationresultA fewlines of Sima quickly stopped him ,argued , boisterous people than we only more, two other legions also may not stand in here ,so rushed to discuss anything cheaper .
Face such secure to rely on the rumor ,that he isn of your past to break with him .I am afraid that he has long been ready ,this time must not touch .Must be calm to countermeasure ! , relationresultStrategy ,what measures can clear him to my slander ? Blood fury road kill .
relationresultAline of Sima even said : now is a pressing matter of the moment to face turn ,but to send someone immediately to week to explain Shuicheng ,emirates .Otherwise he get rid of your post ,let God take you ,then say what is also late .
Some of us with God love ,google,who knows he will not deliberately run we . , relationresultBlood killanger only lasted a few seconds ,soon calmed down ,leaving only revenge mind .relationresultGood God ,boisterous with some friends ,he must use the army this big time Sima buy the god-king ,if the boisterous and Wang together control two legion ,their power will become very large ,we want revenge can not do .
Send someone to week Shuicheng village, to explain the sequence of events after the great chief ,the eagle hand mining occurs most detailed battlefield report is announced to the game player water week .
relationresultExitEagle hand mining area is not my fault ,Facebook,is the supply did not catch up with, can all the buttons on my head ?relationresultThisregiment guarding the North Springs last end ,just in case he intercept the messengers ,send a few people from the mountains around ,secret .
In addition ,also sent to wash the rumor, must take this libelous rumors of repressed . , relationresultAline of Sima shook his head : blood brother ,exit the eagle hand mining area ,is the supply did not catch up with, this sentence can have big problems .
If it happens to big chief about it, then we can turn with the white old downtown .He has not kept pace with the logistics ,supply ,which is not equal to exit the eagle hand mine responsibility shirk to him up ?If we had a falling out with the white boss ,be no good to eat fruit .
This time the fire must be focused on one must not offend others . , relationresultBlood killa surprised, knowing almost busy in a principled big mistake ,immediately said: well ,this is my negligence .
You will never be able to defeat the buck to recharge ,or white boss will think we are attacking him, could be in big trouble .... so ,only the whole battle after all with big chief says, not to mention the supply side of things .
The boisterous random battle, regardless of the specific race ,make my blood kill Legion in Eagle hand mining area keep for three days, to set out ,to colleagues ,colleagues to death ,the sole power to manipulate arbitrary ,occupy a whole legion ,these charges were reported to the chief ,also communicated to the whole city game player .
He used the rumours to poison us, we also used this approach against him ,who will be the first poison who have a look ! , relationresultSoon,army account all agreed ,sending blood kill Related articles:

