
Facebook like a son course

God is an after party education for many years senior cadres ,also pay attention to an equal . , relationresultThey like a son ,course on your marriage to care . Chen Ning advised the said .
relationresultI have to, this tune up, I and the Lixian steal the certificate to obtain ,they are not always looks forward to grandchildren ?I will lose no time ,give them the old couple make a grandson came to see when they accept or not .
Gao Jin face down .relationresultRelative tothe high Jin Li persistent feelings ,Chen Ning is unable to match the original if have like high Jin so firmly ,may also have been with Hu Qiuyue is married .
Chen Ning was inevitably some lament .relationresultAs long as you and Wen Li married ,I let my son you Godfather godmother . Chen Ningduan up his glass and high Jin heavily touched a cup .
relationresultItwas not so high on the high Minister Jin together to Ming or regret .The original high minister let high Jin followed Chen Ning ,just to wait for their own retirement ,so that high Jinyou power-assisted .
When in New River ,Gao Jin gets along well ,but soon let high Jin took the position of deputy chief minister ,which makes high or very pleased .But when Zhou Changping Chen Ning moved to mountain time, high ministers began to play drums ,he dare not let high Jin followed Chen Ning to go to the adventure .
However ,now Chen Ning was in Mingshan doing be full of sound and colour .relationresultOriginally,the high ministers want to put high Jin to the province finance hall as a director or a temporary state of subordinate of bureau deputy director general when a .
Today high Jin back with high want to be transferred to the mountain out of ideas ,while the meaning of Chen Ning also told his father .As Minister of Organization Department of provincial Party committee ,want to advance to high mountain was not difficult, but the high minister ,afraid of Chen Ning on the last thing heart disease ,and he was going to take a back seat ,and Chen Ning will not be used to treat high Jin ,Takabe long ����û��.
But today, listen to his son said ,high minister heart down ,Facebook.relationresultA little abouta high minister ,initiative called the public security bureau director Ma Jianzhong on the telephone .
High minister and Ma Jianzhong is usually very good ,no more around what circle ,just put himself to tell Ma Jianzhong .Ma Jianzhong had to fly back to Hong province hall ,high minister thoughts with their just agree without prior without previous consultation .
relationresultAnd Ma Jianzhongto the phone and dialed the high minister ,a temporary state of Yang Wannian of secretary of municipal Party committee .The mountain is near the city districts ,cadre appointment must be through a temporary state municipal Party committee .
relationresultLook in the ordinary person,a big difficult problem ,in several Provincial Standing Committee but a small potato .relationresultAnd whetherwe belong to weeks ,usually very well ,is facing the high minister relegated to second-line ,or high Jin to seek a better position .
A ring of the phone down ,Gao Jin Mingshan District standing committee ,appointed to government , relationresultRemember,director of Public Security Bureau of thing settled .relationresultThecity involved in the rape case is Chen Ning to Cai Changhua request ,the project group of investigators took over three days later ,Chen Ning first heard of project group group leader ,deputy director of bureau of sun about a case report .
relationresultAccording to the autopsythe only certainty is dead is a Dutch act ,also had had sexual behaviors .On the dead letter said was drugged out after being rape ,because the dead time and the Dutch act have been separated for four days and washed, never semen or stomach the aphrodisiac ingredients .
Never identify the deceased sex is rape .relationresultAnd the projectgroup visits the deceased worked in the hotel ,cnn,the hotel owner and other attendants provide case and Wanning town police station was basically consistent understanding of the situation ,is not know hotel had the deceased was rape .
And hotel owner also repeatedly emphasized ,the dead when off duty ,there is no difference, the usual normal .relationresultAfter hearing thegrandson deputy director general of the case report ,Chen Ning frowned and said: that is to say, from the present investigation situation, never confirmed that the deceased is it right? Had suffered rape ? , relationresultFrom the grasp of the current condition looks ,this is .
Currently we only from the notes on the know the deceased have been drugged to kill ,the rape ,but ,by necropsy we can only prove that the deceased had sexual behavior ,cannot judge the rape is it right? .
In addition ,even if the judgment is rape words to find what is the rape ,but the victim in the note did not disclose any information ,through visits and no found . Grandson deputy director general is a big headache .
relationresultHong Fei served in theprovince the total ;Deputy Chief of the time ,and grandson deputy director general was quite familiar with the case over time, Hong Fei to grandson deputy director general that some of his arms .
But after three days of investigation grandson deputy director general is frustrated, in this case, in addition to the Wanning town police station did not put the case promptly transferred to the criminal investigation team outside no other point .
No Criminal Investigation Brigade transferred to the town of Wanning ,director of the police station Liu Zhanjiang explained that at that time the leaders for himself, because at that time the deceased to report of the time ,many, he let his two police informant provided fundamental situation undertook visitting the informant provided clues are basically Ukrainian virtual the deceased ,including providing hotel owner is informed the clues too fake ,so in the case of taking dismissed without reporting to the Criminal Investigation Brigade did not carry over .
At the same time ,Liu Zhanjiang also admitted that do have be contrary to normal work program .But he also notes ,there are some people in order to achieve the purpose ,the newspaper trumped-up case is very much also ,if in accordance with the provisions of pieces are reported ,are transferred to the criminal investigation unit ,the Criminal Investigation Brigade was busy .
relationresultTheLiu Zhanjiang interpretation ,should be plausible ,this situation is quite common in every police station .But the problem is ,the waitress why Dutch act ,why leave a suicide note ?Chen Ning does not understand the grandson deputy director general of some professional version, with a waitress Dutch act and the testament of Chen Ning that is the case ,there must be a problem ,otherwise ,the victim also may use Dutch act means to get such a practical joke .
relationresultGrandson deputy director generalis the same ,but the problem now is that there is no evidence, you can .relationresultBy theStanding Committee of the provincial Party committee ,several common views, Hong Fei came down very quickly ,as a result of Hong Fei successor has not yet formally identified ,Hong flew to Li Qiang of standing deputy director general made the transfer of work .
relationresultBecause thehorse hall from Rick learns that Chen Ning did not allow himself to investigating the case ,let direct intervention ,is a protection .Therefore ,the transfer of work ,Hong Fei specially invited Chen Ning and Mo Jianlin of vice secretary in charge of and eat dinner together .
relationresultHong fly, this specific to the hall which door ? During the reception, Chen Ning smiled towards Hong Fei asked .relationresultA specific appointment has not survived, but the horse was greeted with me ,is estimated to province hall newly established drug Corps deputy chief .
For Chen Ning, Hong Fei was grateful, so nothing to conceal ,honest .relationresultChen Ninghall is known ,but oh a sound ,Hong Fei from the deputy chief of the Criminal Police Corps to Ming ,then back to hall as drug Corps Deputy captain ,basically no difference .
It is in charge of Mo Jianlin ,cried out : Hong fly, it seems that this you back hall ,but should congratulate you, anti-drug Corps present captain is Xie deputy director concurrently ,you tune in the past as vice captain ,google,the captain position sooner or later all is you . Related articles:

